This large healthcare company had a legal requirement to make sure there were enough nurses scheduled, with appropriate training, for the scheduled patient load. Each nurse could only handle a certain number of patients. The client needed a system that could automate the scheduling of nurses and patients for clinics across the country.
Burrows Technology designed an Angular application with an ASP.Net Web API backend that allowed schedulers to quickly drag and drop shifts to define a need and assign nurses to those shifts. This system used a SQL Server backend with an entity framework code-first created design. It interfaced with multiple other systems to import patient schedules (without patient identification information), and employee rosters, qualifications, titles, and status.
We worked with the in-house developers to provide leadership and architecture guidance to the project. We followed the project all the way through completion, working as the main developers on the project.
This site was successfully rolled out to clinics nationwide, dramatically decreasing the complexity and paperwork needed to schedule nurses. The project came out on-time and on-budget. This software saved hundreds of man-hours per year and saved the company millions of dollars.